Within its integrated approach, Hypo-RESOLVE brings together leading stakeholders from multidisciplinary research areas, industry partners, and patient organisations. External Advisory Groups will actively support Hypo-RESOLVE to obtain a clearer picture of the true impact of hypoglycaemia and its consequences: the Patient Advisory Committee and the Strategic Advisory Board. Additionally, an Ethics Board will be established to safeguard compliance with all ethical matters applicable to the research planned within the project. The expert groups will complement the expertise of the consortium and provide independent advice and recommendations to significantly bring forward research on hypoglycaemia.
The Patient Advisory Committee has been instrumental to Hypo-Resolve from the beginning of the project. The role of the PAC will be to give voice to the insights, desire and experiences of the patients to help ensure that Hypo-RESOLVE’s direction, goals and strategy are closely aligned with the goals of people living with, and affected by diabetes. This international committee, consisting of 7 people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, representatives from the patient organizations IDF and JDRF and representatives from NovoNordisk, will help ensure that Hypo-RESOLVE operates with a patient-centric approach and delivers specific outcomes with the potential to improve the lives of people with diabetes.
The Patient Advisory Committee will be working within and across Work Packages serving as an advisory resource to Hypo-RESOLVE by for example:
The Hypo-RESOLVE consortium is delighted to have its expertise complemented by the Hypo-RESOLVE Strategic Advisory Board. Members of the Strategic Advisory Board comprise renowned scientists in the fields of Diabetes, Diabetes Technology, Hypoglycaemia and Medical Psychology, who provide scientific input for strategic decisions and give targeted feedback on the scientific progress of the project and therefore maximize benefits of the project.
MembersThe Hypo-RESOLVE Ethics Board was established at the beginning of the project and is composed of renowned independent experts with relevant and detailed knowledge of ethical policies. The experts represent the various aspects involved in Hypo-RESOLVE, including clinical studies, data protection, biobanks and database specialties.
The Ethics Board complements the Hypo-RESOLVE consortium by