Thank you for your interest in taking part in our “Your SAY: Hypoglycaemia” study.
We are trying to better understand the impact of hypoglycaemia on your quality of life. You can have Your SAY by taking part in our “Your SAY (Self-management And You): Hypoglycaemia” survey, if you are:
Taking part in this study involves filling out an online survey on your computer, tablet or smartphone. It takes approximately 30 minutes.
“Your SAY: Hypoglycaemia” invites you to have your say and think about how hypoglycemia affects your quality of life. With this study, we are trying to see whether it matters how we ask about quality of life. Some of the items may seem similar, but each questionnaire asks you to think about quality of life in a different way. Once you begin the survey, you will be asked a few questions about your age, gender, living situation, employment, and other similar questions. Then, you will be asked about your/your partner’s diabetes, your quality of life, your experiences with hypoglycaemia, your feelings about hypoglycaemia, and your emotional well-being.
Please check the Participant Information Sheet or email the Study Team if you want to talk about this survey before deciding whether to participate, or if you have any questions or comments about the study.
To Have Your SAY on the impact of hypoglycaemia on your quality of life, please fill our survey!